Rep. Ed Royce: It’s Time To Put Financial Sanctions Back on North Korea

The California Republican congressman says he’ll be going to see “The Interview” on Christmas

"The reality is the movie will be in theaters and I will see it tomorrow myself. But at the same time, remember, North Korea is developing three stage ISBMs, it's testing nuclear weapons, it's broken every agreement it ever had on its nuclear program, and is trying to hack into our infrastructure, including our energy grid.

So I would say the response actually should be to put the types of financial sanctions back on North Korea that we once imposed in 2005, after we caught them counterfeiting our one hundredth dollar bills. The advantage of that is that we would shut down the hard currency that North Korea needs not only for their nuclear weapon program and for this dictator to pay his generals, but it would also cut off the funding to Bureau 121 which is their 3,000 cyber agents that they pay out of the Bureau. Let’s get serious about our response here."

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