Conway: ‘Whole Reason’ Kavanaugh Accuser Is Getting the Hearing Is ‘Because of the Republicans’

‘The Senate Judiciary Committee led by Chairman Grassley is honoring her request to testify’

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CONWAY: "Well senator hirono who told America’s men this week to quote, just shut up, that was really nice. Take note of that. She asked him a similar question, since you’ve been a legal adult. But she’s doing that because that’s what she does. Pull the transcripts. But more importantly, there were private conversations between senator fine sign who sat on this letter and chairman grassley and Judge Kavanaugh. That’s the kind of form through wh which you touch upon sensitive matters. One would this would qualify as a sensitive matter. It is completely at the seat of senator Feinstein and the Democrats that Dr. Ford’s anonymity was breached and her identity ever disclosed. The whole chain of custody rested with the Democrats. Number two, you can argue that the whole reason she’s getting a hearing is because of the Republicans. Not the Democrats. The Senate Judiciary Committee led by chairman grassley is honoring her request to testify. The White House has said let her speak. Everybody has said let her speak. But that means she’s coming to speak. And not using cheap words like bullying. Nobody is bullying here. Nobody want her to be unsafe."

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