Kevin Hassett: 4 Percent Growth Could Turn Back to the Old Normal Under Obama If Dems Reverse Our Policies

‘I think that President Trump has proven he is a trade reformer’


SMITH: "What is your biggest concern? What is this White House and president's biggest concern right now, when you look at the escalating trade risk going on with China right now? There is a major concern that there could be some retaliation from China when it comes to U.S. businesses doing business in China. What -- what do you worry about at night?"
HASSETT: "Right, so you mentioned trade. And trade is not my biggest concern as an economist and as a free trader. Because President Trump has promised that he will make trade deals better for American workers, and he's been doing it. You notice that we have a great deal with Mexico, much better than the old NAFTA. And we lined up the Europeans to do something similarly. We still have some work to do in China, but I think that President Trump has proven he is a trade reformer. You know for me the thing that I'm most worried about, is that right now we've got 4 percent growth, just like President Trump promised two tears ago he would deliver if elected. And that 4 percent growth could turn really quickly back into the old normal that we had under President Obama if the Democrats reverse our policies."

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