Mark Steyn: We Should Not Be Having One Set of Rules for the GOP While Dems Can Demean and Degrade People

‘If you took it seriously, you wouldn’t, for example, just send the letter to one political party’

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CARLSON: "Let me preemptively counter the attacks you are going to face from the mindless chemistry can come shrieking, dishonest harpies on the left, and the robotic water carriers in the media. “You are attacking the victim!” Does this work for any other species of crime? And I and honestly accuse you for embezzlement and armed robbery and the elaborate on the accusation while your reputation is destroyed?"

STEYN: "No. A criminal accusation is a serious thing. A criminal accusation 36 years on is an even more serious thing. If you took it seriously, you wouldn’t, for example, just send the letter to one political party. You would’ve sent it to both Dianne Feinstein and to Chuck Grassley. But this — this is actually going — the presumption of innocence is at the bed rock of our judicial system. So if you are just prepared to trash someone, and we have people in the Democrat party, Cory booker boasted he — we shouldn’t be having one federals for one party and for the other side you can crash them, demean them, degrade them, destroy their reputation. If you do not want in that if you do not want an investigation." 

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