Michaelle Malkin Blasts ‘Idiotic’ Dems ‘Who Have Turned off Their Brains’ to Bash Men for ‘Political Gain’

‘Would she tell that to the innocent men and their families who have been falsely accused of these kinds of allegations?’


MALKIN: "There is a huge double standard in the selective belief by Democrats of certain women who lodge allegations of sexual assault or rape or sexual impropriety versus other women who do not fit their narrative and there have been many GOP or conservative women who threatened the careers of lewd or lascivious Democrat men who have never got then kind of support. There is another very important point and I certainly don’t think it gets enough exposure in these kinds of maelstroms in the media. And that is the fact that you have these idiotic Democrats who have turned off their brains for electoral and political gain in bashing men." 

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