Carney Claims Jobs Report ‘Disproves’ ObamaCare Critics’ Part-Time Jobs Claims

‘All of this data, I think, is contradicting some of the predictions and even current charges by critics of Obamacare’

Jay Carney: September Jobs Report ‘Disproves’ Anti-Obamacare Part-Time Jobs Talking Point (Mediaite)

Tuesday’s White House Daily Briefing was dominated by discussion of the website’s difficulties, but Fox News’ Ed Henry did give Press Secretary Jay Carney the opportunity to remind viewers that the Affordable Care Act reduces the federal budget deficit, and to respond to the oft-cited claim that Obamacare is responsible for a surge in employers cutting workers’ hours to part-time status.

Henry began by asking several questions regarding the “tech surge” that President Obama has promised in order to fix the problems with the Obamacare website, specifically whether the names of the experts and companies being used would be disclosed, and what the additional costs might be.

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