CNN Airs Edited Kavanaugh Clip, Says It Shows ‘There Are Portions of His Childhood He’d Rather Not Come to Light’

‘You know, there are portions of his childhood he would rather not come to light, I suppose’

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[Clip starts]

KAVANAUGH: "Fortunately we had a good saying that we've heard firm to to this day as the Dean reminded me before, before the talk which is what happens at Georgetown prep stays at Georgetown prep. That's been a good thing for all of us, I think."

[Clip ends]

ACOSTA: “Obviously, Susan, not conclusive, you know, piece of video saying, you know, that he did anything but it is — it does speak to this notion that perhaps, you know, there are portions of his childhood he would rather not come to light, I suppose. What do you make of how this is being handled and this possibility that we may have a hearing on Monday without Christine Blasey Ford?”

HENNESSEY: “That’s probably of an unfortunate joke and one to regret now. But I think it’s important to realize that this is not a criminal trial.”

Editor's Note: In this longer version of the clip, Kavanaugh is referencing three of his friends from Georgetown Prep and a recent email exchange they had. 

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