Gregg Jarrett: CIA, DNI, FBI Hated Trump and Conjured False Evidence To Frame Him

‘You are correct there was a cancer in our government’


HANNITY: "This is the whole pressroom mills of your book, Gregg. Illicit scheme to destroy trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Who are the people destroyed. Highest levels, page, Comey, Mccabe, we have gottor. Got Ohr and Sally Yates. They hate trump. Goes to the special counsel office itself steeltexing brother oh, did you get my information over to the special counsel. Institutions of law enforcement, the FBI, the doj, the CIA, the Intel community and the special counsel’s office. How can anybody in this country have faith nut rule of law now that all of those institutions have been tainted not by rank and file but with the highest people with the most power?"

JARRETT: "You are correct there was a cancer in our government. It’s still there. It became malignant under Obama’s department of justice and James Comey’s FBI, John Brennan’s CIA. James clapper’s DNI and it’s still going on hook at the text messages we received today. Strzok and page are obsessed and transfixed with their quote personal role in leaking and shaping stories and then they are bragging that now we can use this as a pretext to interview people. It’s not only mendacious and devious but to the extent that they were leaking highly classified information and they surely were, it is a crime. I’m no fan of a special counsel."

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