Steve Scalise: Maxine Waters Should Not Be Inciting Violence Based on Political Views

‘Some of those tax cuts expire in a few years’


HENRY: "What responsibility do Democratic leaders have; Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and others. You see Maxine Waters continuing to say, I’m going to threaten Trump officials. I want to not just impeach them but I want to go after Trump officials. What responsibility do Democratic leaders have."
SCALISE: "They need to be denouncing that kind of activity. There is no place for it; if somebody on the right was doing it we would be vocally denouncing it, they need to be denouncing it on the left. You should not insight violence or any kind of assaulting people based on political views and especially somebody that's working in the administration and you are attacking them because of what they do and what they believe in. That’s not what American ideals are about."

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