Blumenthal, Diaz-Balart Link Pakistan School Massacre to Sandy Hook and Gun Control

‘My went out to the families of those children ... I was at Sandy Hook and saw firsthand the grief and pain and shock of that unspeakable tragedy’

DÍAZ-BALART: “We’ve all heard about this attack in Pakistan. Is the Senate you think going to act on ISIS funding to go keep up the global fight on terror?”
BLUMENTHAL: “I hope it will. When I first heard about this attack in Pakistan two years after a horrendous, horrific attack in Newtown, my heart went out to the families of those children, more than 120 now, killed. I was at Sandy Hook and saw firsthand the grief and pain and shock of that unspeakable tragedy. This kind of horror is a parent’s worth nightmare; this kind of terrorist attack by gunmen who are acting in retaliation against innocent children simply because of the pursuit of them by the Pakistan government. Pakistan cannot tolerate or accommodate terrorists. We must continue our fight against ISIS and I will continue to support ISIS funding, but I do believe the president must come to the Congress. He must seek authorization. There has to be a new authorization for him to proceed and I will support funding only if the Congress has given that option to go forward and I hope that that will happen.”
DÍAZ-BALART: “And, senator, finally, it’s been two years since the Newtown shooting. Some of the families Monday filed wrongful death suits against the gun maker, Bushmaster. What chances do you think they have?”
BLUMENTHAL: “They deserve a day in court. These claims are serious and they deserve serious consideration. There are obstacles but this lawsuit is apparently the only remedy they have right now for the deep enduring injury they’ve suffered so I hope they’ll be treated fairly by the courts. I have every confidence they will.”

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