Scarborough: ‘Pretty Crazy’ What Evangelicals Are Willing to Trade in for a Few Judges

‘I think a lot of people in their churches, four, five, six years from now, are going to look at some of the things they said in the middle of the age of Trump and ask them serious questions about where they were and why they sold out for political power’


SCARBOROUGH: "Yep, yep, certainly, it’s -- it's really something that so many of these people were saying in the age of Bill Clinton, we can’t have leaders that set bad examples for our children. Apparently that’s not a concern anymore so long as the federal judiciary goes your way on a couple of cases. Huh! Pretty crazy what some people are willing to trade in for a few judges. Still ahead on Morning — I mean, again, and I’m not being self-righteous, I’m just judging them by their own words, judging Jerry Fallwell, Jr., by his own past words. Judging Franklin Graham by his past words. Judging so many of these evangelical leaders by their own past words. I -- I don’t believe you should be self-righteous. They certainly were, though, when Bill Clinton was president because of his moral indiscretions. But now suddenly it’s just not a concern at all. You know what, I’ve always told my kids, I’ve always told politicians, there’s no such thing as a free lunch; you always have to pay for it in the end. These evangelical leaders I think they’re no exception to that rule. I think a lot of people in their churches, four, five, six years from now, are going to look at some of the things they said in the middle of the age of Trump and ask them serious questions about where they were and why they sold out for political power."

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