Kurtz on False CNN Report: Lanny Davis Is ‘Owning up to an Error’; It’s a ‘Pretty Serious Matter’

‘He says he made a mistake which he regrets and unintentionally misleading CNN’


SHAWN: "So the network says that, quote, 'We stand by her story and we are confident in our reporting of it.' Is this just a sense of confusion or is it something much more serious and deeper here?"
KURTZ: "It’s a pretty serious matter, Eric. CNN is hanging out there with a story about a major acquisition that Michael Cohen supposedly, allegedly, ostensibly, is prepared to make against President Trump about advance knowledge of that Trump Tower meeting when its own source or one of them as you say Lanny Davis, Michael Cohen's lawyer says is not true. Now, I just got off the phone with Lanny Davis who I've dealt with 25 years, he's always been a straight shooter with me and is owning up to an error here. He says he made a mistake which he regrets in unintentionally misleading CNN. Here’s his quote: 'I should not be talking to reporters on background on something I’m not certain about. The combination of big stakes and a big mistake is a bad moment for me. If I had a redo in life,' says Lanny Davis, 'I wouldn’t have said anything about the subject.'"

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