Radio Host Garrett Lewis on Pecker, Cohen: My Listeners Tell Me It’s the Swamp Trying to Stop Trump

‘I think it fires up Trump’s base to get out and vote’


VITTERT: "You’ve got Cohen and manafort both with their own either guilty pleas or guilty convictions and pecker and weisselberg taking immunity deals. And how does that affect voter enthusiasm and turnout?"
LEWIS: "I think it fires up trump’s base to get out and vote. And this is what my listeners tell me and I listen to it. This has nothing to do with Russia, this is people on the swamp left and right to stop trump from doing what the American people want him to do. So trump is out there, hey, I need as much support to get my agenda do and you elected me for this. And it reminds them to vote to get somebody in there to back up trump."

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