Trump Slams Andrew Cuomo for Saying America Was Never Great: That’s the Dems’ New Theme

‘Tell that to our great soldiers from World War I and World War II’

TRUMP: "This election is bigger than any one race, it’s about whether we want to continue the amazing progress we have made for America whether we want to surrender that progress to the forces of extremism, and obstruction. You know, the little phrase that they like, resist, that’s what they are good at. They have no policies, and they are good at sticking together and resisting. I have almost 400 people that haven’t been approved — they are slow walking. We have almost 400 people in our administration, people that gave up our careers and they’ve been waiting over a year to get approved. It’s never happened that way in the history of our country and it is a disgrace. It is a disgrace. The Democrat party is held hostage by the so-called resistance disrespect our flag, denigrate our history, and despair is our great country and we are not going to let it happen. New York’s Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo even declared that America was never great. Oh, I see, okay. Tell that to our great soldiers from World War I and World War II, the Korean war and so many others. Tell that to the folks that send a rocket up to the moon and are great astronauts. Tell them to all the great medical research we’ve done in this country, he says America was never great. I would imagine that is career threatening. How did he get away with that one? Did you hear? He was speaking to a room loaded up with socialists and probably others. Probably others. Not communists, but that could have been a couple of them as well. And he made the statement, and America was never great. And they go — did you hear? They couldn’t even believe it. That is job threatening. That’s a combination of brave Americans whose blood, sweat and tears built our magnificent country. So this November you can either vote for the party that says, America was never great — that’s going to be their theme now, America was never great. They copied mine, promises made, promises kept. Let’s give them a new theme. “America was never great.” That’s America’s the Democrats a new. Or you can vote proudly for everything that we stand for. We are the greatest country in the world and we are now the greatest economy that we have ever had, we are the greatest economy in the world. We have gone up $10 trillion in value since my election."

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