Gutfeld: The Cuomo Brothers ‘Need To Coordinate Their Stupidity’

‘If you screw up on Fox News, you rarely get the opportunity to clarify’


GURFELD: "I’m a little overwhelmed. I am used to making fun of Chris Cuomo. Now I need to go for the brother. They need to coordinate their stupidity. This is the thing. I agree with Juan. I believe that everything person should have the opportunity to clarify what they said. But they don’t give us that chance. If you screw up on Fox News, you rarely get the opportunity to clarify. Or if you are a politician, like 47%, or the folders of women. Binders full of women. We knew what he was talking about but he never got the opportunity to clarify. Juan eloquently helped Cuomo clarify what he was trying to say, even though we know. Would we be afforded that opportunity? I don’t think so. I want everyone to get a chance to clarify something stupid they said immediately or a few days after. But I don’t think they will ever let us have that. So why should I let him have it? That’s my challenge. To be more Christ like."

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