Eddie Glaude: Donald Trump Is Explicit in His Bigotry, He’s a White Nationalist

‘This is not uniquely Donald Trump, what Scott Pruitt and before he resigned did at EPA, this is a Republican agenda’


GLAUDE: "Typically, we want to exceptionalize Donald Trump. He is explicit in his bigotry. He is a white nationalist. He has broken in some ways the norms of the post-civil rights consensus about how we talk about race. He doesn't dog-whistle, he just simply says it. And it’s by way of that we kind of exceptionalize him, we single him out. And we say he is a bigot, he is unique, he is singular. But when we look at these policies, what we see is how consistent he is with Republican policies. This is not uniquely Donald Trump. What Scott Pruitt before he resigned did at EPA, this is a Republican agenda. What’s going on at D.O.E., Republican agenda. What’s happening at DoJ, Republican agenda. What Ben Carson is doing at HUD, Republican agenda. So this is really important, when we begin to look at the policies what we see is that Trump is not that much of an outlier. What we see is really what’s the oil in the engine that’s driving Trumpism. And that is, I think, a mean-spirited Republican agenda that has a disproportionate impact on black people and communities of color."

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