Scarborough: ‘Women Are Probably the Greatest Threat To the Republican Majority Right Now’

‘I’m not sure if there’s a gender-related aspect there to the extent I could say there might be one’


ROTHMAN: "I’m not sure if there’s a gender-related aspect there. To the extent that I could say there might be one, it is that women in general in the electorate, to say nothing of the Republican Party, aren't all that hot on Donald Trump. The President has been —"
SCARBOROUGH: "That is the understatement of the morning! Women —"
ROTHMAN: "A lot of Republican women."
BRZEZINSKI: "Literally."
SCARBOROUGH: "I guess that’s a better way to put it. And that really is, Noah, as you look at the map last night, and you look at these races as we continue, this is sort of the home stretch before we get onto the final push after Labor Day. That seems to be the overarching headline of all of these results that women have not just been offended by Donald Trump, but they have been activated to such a level that — that’s probably — women are probably the greatest threat to the Republican majority right now."

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