FNC: White House Denies Any Involvement in Possible Assassination Attempt on Venezuelan President

‘There is no U.S. Government involvement in this at all’


SMITH: "Chaos in Venezuela’s capital. Investigators raiding hotels and seizing vehicles. Two drones packed with C-4 exploding as President Maduro spoke at a huge public involvement. National Security Adviser John Bolton denying any American involvement."
[clip starts]
BOLTON: Well, I can say unequivocally there is no U.S. government involvement in this at all. ... If the government of Venezuela has hard information that they want to present to us that would show a potential violation of U.S. criminal law, we’ll take a serious look at it. But in the meantime, I think what we really should focus on is the corruption and the oppression of the Maduro regime in Venezuela."
[clip ends] 

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