Jen Psaki on Trump’s Media Attacks: This Is the Type of Behavior That Happens in Authoritarian Societies

‘It’s not only dangerous; it’s sending a terrible message to the world’


PSAKI: "This behavior happens in an authoritarian societies, where leaders and supporters are pushing down people and the media protests. This is something that people watch in the United States and they say what is this Mr. President, what are their spokes people doing? They are repressing free speech the rights of the media. It’s not only dangerous. It’s sending a terrible message to the world. I know when I was a state Department spokesperson, I had people in that briefing room who were from the government of China the government of Russia, who would yell at me and ache absurd clarnlgs fox impugned my reputation self times. We still took questions from them. You still served the government the American people. That’s part of your job."

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