Dan Bongino: We Are All Dumber, Losing 10 IQ Points After Watching Chris Hahn’s Interview

‘This is insane’

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CARLSON: "Don joins us now. I am starting to conclude, Dan, that we are actually complicit in this insanity by playing along with it. When someone paid money to a foreign national to get dirt from the Russians accuses someone else of colluding with the Russians you should not take it seriously. Why we are adding to the craziness pretending this is real?"
BONGINO: "I don’t know. I like Chris off the air a lot. He is a great guy, but we are all dumber. We may have lost 10 IQ points. You noticed how he scrambled when you asked him a simple question. This is a complicated case. We are all adding to the madness. We can’t figure out how in one case was the crime of the century a meeting between Trump’s kid and a couple of Russians. One connected to the lawyers and another to Fusion GPS that the Clintons hired. They show up and pass no information about actual Russians or collusion. That’s the crime of the century. But actual Russians who put together information according to their own dossier who passed it to the Clinton team which was used, Tucker, to spy on an American citizen and take down a presidency, nothing to see here, folks. Ignore that but pay attention to this meeting. This is insane. I can’t believe we are having this conversation."

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