Trump: ‘We Have Horrible Immigration Laws and We’re Going to Get Them Fixed’

Democrats ‘don’t want borders’

TRUMP: "...they've agreed to purchase, almost immediately, large amounts of American soybeans because China really tried to hurt the American farmer." 

[cheers and applause]

TRUMP: "China tried to hurt the American farmer because that way they were going to hurt me and that way you would go in November and you would vote for people that don’t want borders, they don’t care about crime they want to get rid of ICE. Democrats. How about the new ones? They want to get rid of ICE. ICE Is tough. And ICE is smart. And they go in and they knock the hell out of MS-13, these are killers. They use knives because it’s more painful than guns. And ICE goes in like it’s a day at the office. These are tough people. Got to be tough people. Because MS-13 and these gangs that the worst laws, immigration laws in history have allowed into our country, catch and release, how about that one. You catch a criminal. You take his name and then you release him. He’s got to show up to court within four or five years. In the meantime, they’re committing crime in our country. These are the laws we was to work with and despite that we’re setting records. But we have horrible, horrible immigration laws. And we’re going to get them fixed. You got to vote Republican, folks. Got to vote Republican."

[cheers and applause]

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