Trump on Agreement with the EU: ‘We Just Opened Up Europe for You Farmers’

‘You’re not going to be too angry with Trump’


TRUMP: "And yesterday, you know, we’ve been working on the trade deals which are the worst-ever made by any country in history. We don’t have one trade deal that’s good, between NAFTA which is a horrible deal and getting close on that but we’re making it good. Dealing with closed markets. The Canadians you have a totally closed market. Canada, they have a 375 percent tax on dairy products. Other than that, it’s wonderful to deal, and we have a very big deficit with Canada, trade deficit although they don’t like to say that, but on one of their pieces of paper they give out with the Canadian flag, I love Canada by the way, and, I have to tell you, I love Canada, but they have the Canadian flag very official, it says, $97.8 billion deficit that the United States has or they put it down as a surplus to Canada. And I said, well, if we’re doing so well with Canada, how come it’s $98.7 billion, okay? That’s a lot of money. And so we’re opening things up. But the biggest one of all happened yesterday, other than China. (Applause) The E.U., the Europeans. A thing called Europe. Europe. And the relationship with Jean-Claude, who’s the head, actually a very, very strong guy, very tough guy, but a good man and he's done an incredible job, pulling all the countries together, but we just opened up Europe for you farmers, you’re not going to be too angry with Trump, I can tell you because you were essentially, wouldn’t you say, Kim, they were restricted from dealing, you had barriers that really made it impossible for farm products to go in. And I said to him, do me a favor, will you just because China is doing a little number, they want to attack the farm belt because they know the farmers love me, they voted for me, we won every one of the states, and you look outside of the country, a little blue on the outer edges of the country, we won just everything so, they figured what we’ll do is attack them, and I see that, and I said they’re not going to win, just so you understand."

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