Scaramucci: ‘It Is Very Hard To Be Upset with This President’ on Policy

‘He has done a great job’


SCARAMUCCI: "It is nice to see him on other networks because you have to get him outside of the style box. He is a television star and so let’s get him out there. I think Bill is probably helping him do that, Bill Shine. And listen we’re going to tit and tat here. People are upset with the president for some of the bellicosity of his rhetoric. But it's very hard to be upset with this president as it relates to his policy. We can go one tic at the time through policy. He's actually done a great job. And as it relates to Russia, you have to give the president huge credit that he is meeting with Vladimir Putin and he is trying to de-escalate tension with Russia which has escalated since 2014 and the whole Crimea situation. So for me, I think it’s going better. I think he's to get — if he could just marry the policy initiatives and the execution of those policies with great communication, a lot of this stuff would be dialed back. It may hurt our ratings here but a lot of it will be dialed back. Smoother stuff is probably not as good for ratings."

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