CNN’s Acosta Trashes Trump’s Putin Presser: ‘Came Across as Playmates on a Soccer Field’

‘The president of the United States very much yielding the field on this day to Vladimir Putin’


ACOSTA: "This is one of those moments, Anderson, I think really crystallizes a very critical problem for the United States right now in that you have the president, the leader of the free world, taking the word of Vladimir Putin who, from all accounts inside the U.S. Government, the U.S. Intelligence community, the law enforcement community, attacked American democracy in 2016. You know, when Vladimir Putin was asked whether he wanted Trump to win, that might have been the only honest moment of this news conference when Vladimir Putin said, 'Yes, he did want President Trump to win,' and then shortly after that handed him that soccer ball. They came across as playmates on a soccer field more than they did international rivals, Anderson. The President of the United States very much yielding the field on this day to Vladimir Putin."

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