Huckabee: Trump’s Not a ‘Wuss,’ He Doesn’t Go into a Meeting and Act Like a ‘Wallflower’ Taking Punches

‘I’m convinced that with Putin he is going to be very blunt with him and talk to him straight about what he expects’


[clip starts]
REPORTER: "How did the meeting go, Mr. President?"
TRUMP: "I think it’s a good start, a very good start for everybody."
[clip ends]
HEMMER: "It was quick and it was brief. That’s the bilateral that's underway now with the advisers. John Kelly, is in that meeting as well, the general. The question from Reuters, how does it feel, Mr. President? The answer as you just heard, I think it’s a good start, a very good start for everybody. Earlier today the president said the world waits to see — the world wants rather to see us get along and the world awaits. We await a news conference that will happen here sometime maybe in an hour, two hours from now. Governor Mike Huckabee is with me now to talk about this. And sir, thank you for your time. If you were the White House, how would you characterize today as a success or win on the board?"
HUCKABEE: "I think it’s all about relationship building. It’s about the optics of saying that we are going to sit down and talk to leaders with whom we have strong disagreements, leaders who lead a country that clearly are trying to meddle not just in our elections but all over the world. People who are not good actors, they’re bad actors, we know that, and to be very blunt with them. And anybody who's ever been in a meeting with the president, you know, all these people who are whining and rolling their eyes at the president, what they don't understand, if you are in a meeting with him, as I have been many times this is a blunt-talking guy. He is not a wuss. He doesn’t go into a meeting and act like some wallflower sitting there and just taking punches. Whatever people perceive of him, he goes in with blunt force, and I’m convinced that with Putin he is going to, you know, be very blunt with him and talk to him straight about what he expects."

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