David Gregen on Trump: ‘Not Only Does He Give Putin a Free Pass, But He Insults Our Intelligence Agencies’

‘... insults our whole justice system’


CUOMO: "It's tricky though, right? Because what you ignore you empower, and his own guy at the DNI, Dan Coats, said the red light --"
GERGEN: "Exactly."
CUOMO: "-- is flashing that they are trying to meddle once again right now, Russia in the U.S. elections.
GERGEN: "It is not only, you know, does he give Putin a free pass, but it insults our intelligence agencies and insults our whole justice system. We’re spending a lot of time and effort trying to figure out what the hell happened. There have been 30 few people indicted so far. This is not something that just goes away easily when you know it’s traced now directly to the Kremlin."

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