Ignatius on Trump Haranguing Stoltenberg: ‘It Is a Dream Come True for Vladimir Putin’

‘I mean, it’s just insulting language’


IGNATIUS: "It is a dream come true for Vladimir Putin, to have an American president arrive on the ground in Brussels and the first thing, go to a breakfast and harangue the NATO Secretary-General and talk about Germany, our most important ally in Europe, as a captive of Russia. I mean, it’s just insulting language. It’s — it seeks to humiliate the people that he’s dealing with. I can only think that Putin sits back in Moscow — well, I’ll tell what you people said to me in Russia last summer when I was there. They said, 'We watch the American-led liberal international order collapsing and we think that’s good, but we don’t really understand what you’re doing to yourselves. We don’t understand why this is being taken apart, but we’re happy.' And I think they are happy, but, you know, people will look back, historians will look back and wonder how on Earth was this instrument of American power and wealth undermined so systematically by a president who really had so little knowledge about foreign policy.”

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