Tucker Battles Chris Hahn on Carter Page: He Went to Annapolis and You’re Accusing Him of Betraying His Country?

‘He was not a mole; they knew that, and yet they got a FISA warrant against him already’


CARLSON: "Chris is a radio show host and former staffer to senator chuck Schumer of New York. I wanted to talk to Carter Page not because we are personal friends or I have a vested interest in his story or life but because I am an American. A guy who didn’t commit a crime and his life wow destroyed by the FBI and the Obama Administration. You can’t look at that and not as an American feel outraged. Yet the left is totally fine with what happened to Carter Page. What is that, do you think?"
HAHN: "Well, I don’t think anybody is fine with civil liberties being violated. I don’t think they have. The man did take the fifth for a lot of questions when he was in that closed door session with Congress."
CARLSON: "Hold on. Wait a 2nd. Taking the fifth is a civil liberty. What law school did you go to?"
HAHN: "Hold on a minute. I went to saint John’s and I am proud of that. The president of the united States said if they take the fifth, they are guilty."
CARLSON: "I don’t care what trump said. You have a right not to testify under the fifth amendment. And you have a right not to be spied upon for political reasons. Why was Carter Page the subject of a FISA warrant after the FBI already looked into his interactions with the Russians? They abused his civil liberties and nobody cares because he volunteered for Donald Trump. That’s police state stuff.
HAHN: "No. Remember the man started by providing documents to a Russian spy in 2014."
CARLSON: "Hold on. What were those documents."
HAHN: "I don’t know what they are."
CARLSON: "You don’t know what they are?"
HAHN: "It’s widely known and we will admit he gave documents to a Russian spy."
CARLSON: "Was it a pizza menu or the blueprints for a nuclear warhead?"
HAHN: "This is how they recruit you. They ask you to provide them with something that was legal. That Russian spy was indicted and convicted. This came up in that. The FBI was right to start looking into it."
CARLSON: "So they heard knew that the documents you attempted to make sound sinister amounted to nothing and Carter Page was not spying for the Russian government. He was not a mole. They knew that. And yet they got a FISA warrant against him already. Don’t you think that the U.S. Government spying on its own citizens ought to have a good reason. What about Peter Strzok and his girlfriend?"
HAHN: "The fact he was talking to Russia and go to Russia during the campaign, I think the FBI would be suspicious and they should have been."
CARLSON: "Hold on. Since you raised this allegation. We have Carter Page in the studio. I want to ask him what these documents were. Let’s get very specific here. You pass documents to a Russian spy. What were the documents and why aren’t you in prison?
HAHN: "This is complete spin. I was teaching a course at New York university called energy in the world in the spring semester of 2013. I had a coffee with a diplomat from the Russian consulate."
CARLSON: "A spy."
HAHN: "I showed him a couple of course materials."
[Overlapping talking].

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