Labrador on Retiring: ‘I’m Disappointed’ We Could Not Change Washington; ‘I Did Not Sell My Soul’

‘As soon as I got there I realized everyone wanted to please the leadership instead of representing their constituents’

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LABRADOR: "Well, I enjoyed my experience. I’m disappointed that we could not change Washington. If you remember the class of 2010 went into Washington saying they wanted to change everything about Washington. The way decisions were made. The top down decision-making process in Washington, D.C. Was going to change. But as soon as I got there I realized everyone wanted to please the leadership instead of representing their constituents. They wanted to represent the party. I think we were all elected to represent the 800,000 people that sent us to Washington, D.C. And to make the changes that we promised and I think that’s what’s been disappointing to people like myself."

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