Michael Eric Dyson: Even Worse than Racists Are ‘the White Moderates and Conservatives’

‘Yeah, the KKK just is looking for a discount on linen’

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DYSON: "The reality is that we're talking about Neil deGrasse Tyson, he looks at stars, he looks through telescopes -- is he an astrophysicist? Well, the reality is this, Donald Trump talks like a racist, thinks like a racist, makes statements like a racist, conjures emotions that give support to white supremacist and white nationalists, yeah, he’s a racist. Because racism is as racism does. So this -- and here’s the problem, Martin Luther king Jr. said it’s not the white supremacists who are the problem it’s white moderates and conservatives who tend to be complicit with that by trying to dismiss it. Brother Jennings, much respect for you but this is ludicrous. What you’re doing is even more egregious because you’re attempting to justify, legitimate and make valid what are essentially naked raw statements of racism. This is easy stuff. [crosstalk] This is very, very clear that it has racial animus here and you’re trying to dismiss it as a difference of opinion. That is itself complicit in the racist element we’re talking about."

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