Trump: N. Korea’s ‘Serious’ About Denuclearization But It’s Possible ‘It Won’t Work Out’

‘I got along really well with chairman Kim; we had a great chemistry’


BARTIROMO: "Welcome back in my interview with President Trump, we touched on the ongoing negotiations with North Korea over its nuclear program. Rising oil prices and how the president can bring the country together as the political rhetoric grows more extreme. Take a look. Real quick on North Korea and Iran, how was the summit? Can you give us anecdotes? We are supposed to find out — I have spoken with some military of my own and they told me that North Korea needs to tell us exactly where their facilities are so we can inspect them within the next few weeks. If we don’t find out in the next few weeks, we know they are not serious about this. What are you going to do?"
TRUMP: "I think they are very serious about it. We had a very good chemistry. You know, we had a lot of points. We went on a lot of different points, not to go over them, denuclearization getting the remains back from great heroes, great people, getting the hostages back. 
BARTIROMO: "That was incredible. Thank you for doing that, Mr. President."
TRUMP: "What did I do, really, when you think of it? I went there. So the papers say he went. Oh, meaning I went to Singapore. So we had a meeting. We didn’t do anything. Now, I asked, I said let’s not do — I call them the war games, they are dropping bombs all over the place every six months. It is unbelievably expensive to do that. Planes fly in from Guam, these massive, you know, bombers, and they are flying in from Guam, it is crazy. So we gave nothing. What we are going to give is good things in the future. And by the way, I really believe North Korea has a tremendous future. I got a long really — I got along really well with chairman Kim. We had a great chemistry. We really had — chairman —" 
BARTIROMO: "Do we believe him, Mr. President?"
TRUMP: "I’ve made a deal with him. I shook hands with him. I really believe he means it. Now, is it possible — have I been in deals? Have you been in things where people didn’t work out? It is possible. "

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