Gorka: ‘Russia Is in a World of Hurt Right Now’ Because of Trump’s Policies

‘[Russia] is a country in a death spiral’


GORKA: "Well, Russia is in a world of hurt right now. If you look at every single significant policy decision that the president has taken in the last year and a half, judge, which has any impact on Russia, they are been hurt. Whether it is unleashing fracking in the Anwar, whether it’s getting the nato nations finally to pay 2% of the defense budget or whether it’s arming the Ukrainians, we have a lot of leverage. This is a country in a death spiral. 600,000 Russians die every year. More than are born. The average mortality of a Russian male is under 60. So, there is all kind of things with the economic, diplomatic that we can leverage. But the big problem is this is a nation run by a former K.G.B. Officer. The kind of people that Daniel was dodging in Moscow for many years. This is not your average country."

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