Trump: Mexico Encourages People Frankly to Walk Through and Go into the United States

‘Mexico is doing nothing for us except for taking our money and sending us drugs’


TRUMP: "They can do whatever they want. They can keep people out of Mexico. They have a 2,000-mile journey up Mexico. They walk through Mexico like it's walking through Central Park. It’s ridiculous. Mexico does nothing for that. So then when people say, 'Why are you being so tough with NAFTA' — and I am being tough. It’s a terrible deal for the United States. Mexico is making $100 billion a year off us and the horrible NAFTA deal. I am being tough. One of the reasons I’m being tough, because they do nothing for us at the border. They encourage people, frankly, to walk through Mexico and go into the United States. Because they are drug traffickers. They are human traffickers. They are coyotes. We are getting some real beauties." 

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