Jeff Denham: ‘We All Feel Very Positive Right Now’ We Can Get to 218 on Immigration Bill

‘This is a very conservative bill’


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KINZINGER: “This is something that frankly even Democrats should be voting for, because immigration can be an 80 percent issue. They’re not. They’re more interested in opposing the president right now.”
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SMITH: “That was Congressman Adam Kinzinger, earlier on America’s Newsroom on a challenges pf passing immigration reform as the House gets ready to vote on two bills today. Lawmakers will consider a conservative proposal and a more moderate one, but neither bill seems to have enough votes at this moment to pass. Congressman, Jeff Denham has been a lead negotiator on the compromised measure. He joins us now. Congressman, thanks for your time this morning. I'm sure it's a busy morning around there and a lot going on. How are things shaping up?”
DENHAM: “Certainly a busy morning. Very tense. It's going to be a very close vote. I think we all feel very positive right now about the outcome that we can get to 218. The only way we won’t get to 218 is if the very Freedom Caucus members that were negotiating no longer support the measures that they negotiated into this bill. You know, this is not a moderate bill, this is a very conservative bill, partially because the Freedom Caucus was so involved in the negotiations.”

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