Tucker: Trump Bowed To His Critics and Signed an E.O To Halt Separation of Illegals

‘You assumed Democrats were thrilled’

CARLSON: "Earlier today President Trump bowed to hes critics and signed an executive order to halt the separation of illegal immigrants at the border. You assumed Democrats were thrilled. They got what they demand and ought to be celebrating. They are not senator Harris of California tweeted this: This executive order doesn’t fix the crisis. Detaining children with their families in camps is inhumane and won’t make us safe. And this sounded similar to his colleagues: By now you realized like most debates in Washington this was never about what they claimed it was about. They never are. The left doesn’t believe America has the right to stop poor people from coming over our southern border legal or not. Most voters disagree. It would be nice to have an honest debate before the mid-term election. That’s the last thing Democrats want because they would lose the debate. So they are whipping their supporters into a mindless rage."

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