Rep. Doggett: Trump’s Using Immigrant Kids as a ‘Ransom’ to Put Up His ‘Wasteful’ Wall
WHITFIELD: "What’s your reaction when you hear his use of this Romans 13?"
DOGGETT: "I would just have to say that Mr. Sessions didn’t attend the Sunday school that I did. I’m pleased that the real conference of the methodist church has condemned this process. I know the catholic bishops have spoken out. I hope as people head off to their place of worship this weekend, that they think about what’s happening here and how wrong it is. The scripture cited by Mr. Sessions is the type of passage that has been cited by authoritarian governments through the centuries to justify all power with one. I know that President Trump would like it to be that way. But that’s not what America is about. We do need to use this weekend particularly to think thoughtfully about the wrongness of this, how horrible it would be if when children go off to Sunday school tomorrow, they never came back to see their parents. The parents went one way and they went another. I represent in our office, we’re working with a young 23-year-old mother from Guatemala. She brought her 5-year-old son here. He’s in one Texas town. She’s in another. Unable to see him for over a month. That just should not be happening. President Trump, he could end this in less time than it took him to salute a north Korean general. Even Lindsey Graham, a leading Republican senator, said yesterday he could just pick up the phone and put a stop to this. But he wants to use these little children and the love of a parent for a child and a child for a parent, he wants to use that as a weapon. As a kind of ransom that he’s demanding to put up his wasteful wall and to block not only undocumented but legal immigration and to limit it into our country."