Chris Stewart: No One Looks Good in the DoJ IG Report But Particularly Comey and His Leadership

‘I think it cements the impression some of the agents participated in the behavior that is unacceptable’


SMITH: "First off, I want to ask you about that. The president making it clear he doesn’t think that Strzok should have a job and he should have been fired a long time ago. What do you think?"
STEWART: "Well I can tell you if I were the FBI director and I had subordinates participate in some of the activities and some of the expressions of absolute the animus towards the person they are investigating, I certainly would have made a change. I tell you, the IG report, no one looks good in this, from Loretta lynch to Lisa Page and everyone in between. But particularly, Director Comey and his leadership has been called into question in this -- in this report."

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