Peter Navarro: Trudeau’s ‘Overreacting’ to Tariffs, They’re ‘Purely Defensive in Nature’

‘As President Trump has said, unless we have aluminum and steel industries we don’t have a country’


SMITH: "You just heard from the Canadian prime minister calling these tariffs insulting and unacceptable. Is this just an overreaction on their part?"
NAVARRO: "Absolutely. Let me explain here. The problem we have, as President Trump has said, quite eloquently, is that unless we have aluminum and steel industries we don’t have a country. So the problem we have is we’ve got more than 20 countries flooding our markets with steel, about 15 countries flooding our markets with aluminum. And over the past decade these industries here in America have simply not been able to -- to perform in a way which is going to keep them in business. The aluminum industry in particular is near extinction. So these tariffs are purely defensive in nature. They are designed basically to bring these industries back to life and guess what? From day one those tariffs were announced they’re working."

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