Conway: This President Keeps the Promise of Other Presidents

‘President Trump has presided over 84,000 new jobs for loggers and minors’


CONWAY: "Again, as we have always said with moving the embassy from Jerusalem, having historic tax cuts, pulling out of Paris, this president keeps the promise of other presidents. This president in that letter last week I thought really got some kinetic energy going. Folks all of a sudden said, 'Wow, this may actually not happen, and if we want it to happen, then we’re going to start moving it.' Ever since then, North Korea, South Korea and the United States have been making very positive moves. Let’s see what happens. As the President says, if he is satisfied it will go forward. The other thing I wanted to mention to you, just while we are still on the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton or that person who lost the election and never should have, she has said, 'I’m going to put the coal mining out of business, coal miners will be out of business,' and she went — that usual scowl. Guess what? President Trump has presided over 84,000 new jobs for loggers and miners."

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