Dem Brad Sherman: It Was a ‘Mistake’ for Trump to Cancel the N. Korean Summit
FRANCIS: "What do you make of the back and forth here. What do you make of these latest comments?"
SHERMAN: "Well maybe the summit happens, maybe it doesn’t. But I think we've put ourselves in a bad position where we would be blamed for the summit’s cancellation. What we should have done is simply announce that we were delaying the summit to a date not designated and say the reason for it was that they didn’t show up to the planning meeting. If they don’t show up to the planning meeting, it's hard to plan and get thing done by June 12th. But by canceling it, it makes them look like they are more interested in peace than we are. That's a mistake."
SHERMAN: "But the other mistake is we have yet to sanction major Chinese banks that are doing business with North Korea. So we have a weak hand."