Hume: Clapper Has a ‘Personal Antipathy’ Towards Trump Shared Widely by Brennan and Comey

‘There is that motivation’


MacCALLUM: "Your thoughts, for instance, in the beginning, I guess, there is this question of spy vs. Informant. Because there seems to be a lot of the agitation in the press and at the White House over which word is appropriate here."
HUME: "Well, I don’t think we are dealing with a professional. I don’t think that anyone that we have heard about was James bond. On the other hand, remember, at the time this was going on, the FBI was conducting a counter intelligence investigation. That which is to say the FBI was acting in its capacity as our domestic spy agency. So, people who are providing information secretly to the FBI are, obviously, spying. Now, as I say, they may not rise to the level of James bond, but they are spying."
MacCALLUM: "What do you think about James clapper coming out now and talking about the fact after I left government service I had my own decision to make. I had not planned to write anything after experiencing the election and behavior by and the impact of the trump Administration, I changed my mind."
HUME: "I think he has a personal antipathy for Donald Trump shared wildly among certain professionals, certainly John Brennan has that feeling and one can certainly imagine James Comey does as well. There is that motivation. You have to look carefully at what clapper has said he is now claiming as you mentioned to Eric Swalwell that the Russians were decisive in the election. I worry about a man who was once considered a serious intelligence analyst reaching that conclusion because all the deep dives that have been done into what the Russians did during the election have indicated, yeah, they tried what they spent and what they did was utterly dwarfed by all the other efforts and spending and advertising all the other messaging and campaigning that was done on both sides of that campaign it assumes unbelievable someone could come to the conclusion that what the Russian is not as big as they wanted it to be, perhaps they thought was big but actually minuscule that that could have made the difference. It’s just not plausible."
MacCALLUM: "Charged 13 different Russians with an T. Tempt to get an account and they wanted to influence. Take a piece of another book by James clapper. Another piece of the book and put it on the screen. Of course, the Russian effort affected the outcome. Surprising even themselves. They swung the election to a trump win. To conclude otherwise stretches logic. Common sense, and extra lessthan 80,000 votes in three key states swung the election. I have no doubt more votes than that were influenced by this massive effort by the Russians. Somehow he has been able to get into the head of 80,000 voters and even more than that, really he knows that’s why they voted the way they did."
HUME: "The problem with saying he knows something like that is first of all I presents no evidence. He calls it massive. He ought to know how vast. You can’t know for sure what is going on on the minds of countless voters as they make up their minds how to vote. If there had been some huge issue involving Russia that had been central to the campaign and argued throughout and the Russians had pulled some kind of intelligence stunt where they made it appear the facts were one way and in fact the facts were the other, you could kind of make that argument. Not on this evidence. That’s disturbingly silly."
MacCALLUM: "It’s interesting to me because in the intlows he is doing he will lay this out and say I know this now. I’m definite and certain about it. How you know he doesn’t have anything to substantiate it other than the number of Twitter account that were opened and the like. But then when asked how he thinks he says Putin was absolutely involved. When asked about that he says that’s classified. I can’t get into that."
HUME: "That’s right. Think about this, Martha. He even says in the course of the things have you cited there something about how a lot of messages that were coming out of the trump campaign were the ones that the Russians were promoting, right."
MacCALLUM: "Right."
HUME: "How in the world would you ever be able to tell which of those messages if they are mirrored by the Trump campaign and all its utterances are ones people believed and not the ones by the Russians or Visa versa. It’s an extravagant claim he will one well beyond the knowledge of intelligence officer. And cites no evidence for it this is a man, Martha, who has had his trouble shaking hands with the truth in the past as has been noted interestingly on the view, going back and forth, oh, was I talking about something else. He didn’t actually explain what the other thing he was talking about was."

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