Jeff Flake: Trump Has ‘Debased’ Our Presidency
BLITZER: "Yeah, a lot of people and several of your Republican colleagues agree. You just delivered a pretty scathing speech at Harvard’s class day. Our presidency has been debased by a figure who has a seemingly bottomless appetite for destruction and division and only a passing familiarity with how the Constitution works. Congress is utterly supine in the face of the vandalism that flows from the White House daily. Simply put, we may have hit bottom. All right, so tell your viewers what made you say that?"
FLAKE: "Well, I think that our presidency has been reduced. When we have the president, you know, calling for the jailing of defeated political opponents, calling his opponents losers and clowns. Then the presidency has been debased or reduced. That’s what it means. And for Congress we need to stand up and re-claim our constitutional prerogative. Whether it’s passing immigration reform or authorization for use of force. We shouldn’t continually say we’ll pass what the president wants. We’ll pass what we think we should do and ask the president to sign it. He can either sign it or veto it. But we’ve given far too much and I think it’s time for the Congress to stand up."