Brian Klaas: Trump Allies ‘Orchestrating a Political Campaign to Politicize the Rule of Law in America’

‘Even if it means hurting American national security’


KLAAS: “Well, because they’re orchestrating a political campaign to politicize the rule of law in America and they’re trying to do it to save the President’s skin even if it means hurting American national security, even if it means eroding democratic principles and institutions, and even if it means sacrificing their own personal integrity that they tried to build for their careers. I think the strongest parallels here really are 2014 in Turkey when President Erdogan was facing a corruption investigation. He called it a witch-hunt. He said he was a victim of the deep state. He fired prosecutors and then he purged the equivalent of the Department of Justice. This sounds really familiar, right? And they chipped away at it slowly, day after day, and that’s what I think we’re in the midst of, is democratic decay where we accept new normals that were previously unacceptable by both Republicans and Democrats and are now just daily life.”

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