NYT’s Kristof on Trump, Iran Deal: ‘Vandalism of Everything that Obama Had Done’

‘Much of his foreign policy, is simply to overturn President Obama’s policy and dismantle president Obama’s legacy’


KRISTOF: "It was striking that in President Trump’s address to the nation, he didn’t really outline any coherent reasons for rejecting the Iran accord. And indeed, to the extent he described what was in it, he pretty much mangled it and turned it upside down and misstated its logic. It seems to me and to an awful lot of people that his essential motivation in rejecting the Iran accord, as in indeed much of his foreign policy, is simply to overturn President Obama’s policy, to dismantle President Obama’s legacy. So to that extent, I think the underlying force here is not really about foreign policy but about vandalism of everything that President Obama had done in ways that I think create real risks ahead for the U.S. and for the world."

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