Noah: If Trump Didn’t Hide Stormy’s Pay-Off, No One Would Care

‘The story would have just been Donald Trump had an affair’

NOAH: "Rudy! You just admitted that the payment was to make the story go away to help the campaign! America! And you know what the worst part is? The worst part of this whole story is if trump had just paid stormy Daniels and didn’t try and hide it, the story would have just been Donald Trump had an affair. Let’s be honest, no one would have cared. Even Melania would have been like, better her than me. Now, because of the coverup, things are much worse. It’s like if someone got pulled over for drunk driving but instead of admitting it they said, no, I wasn’t drunk driving, my ten-year-old was driving, yeah, and he was drunk. Honestly, I feel bad for team trump. I mean, you’re dealing with stormy Daniels, with Russia, with Mueller. We haven’t even talked about the E.P.A. It’s overshadowed his entire presidency. I think they need to think like Facebook and get back to their roots."

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