S.E. Cupp: ‘Democrats, Nancy Pelosi Is Not Your Future, Tell Her To Take a Hike’

‘There are plenty of young, energetic faces’


CUPP: "Now, given the fact that Clinton’s poll numbers are even lower than President Trump’s, the urge is understandable. But here’s the deal. It’s time for both parties to stop living in the past. Democrats, Nancy Pelosi is not your future, tell her to take a hike. There are plenty of young, energetic faces like Tim Ryan who can speak to the middle of the country a whole lot better than she can, and that’s what you need right now. Republicans, I get you, Hillary Clinton is the gift that keeps on giving but it’s time to find our future and it should be positive and forward looking and not just relying on a ghost of elections past. Let me bring in CNN political analyst David Drucker. Let’s start with Nancy Pelosi. Do you think Democrats, sensing the urgency of the situation, would prefer not rocking the boat?"

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