Trump: ‘Kanye Gets It,’ The Trump Admin. Is Good for the Black Community

‘That is a very important thing he has done for his legacy’

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TRUMP: “Believe me, if I did not get elected, if the opposition party, which I call them, the obstructionist party is what I call them. That is all they are good at. If they got election, they would not have cut regulations or taxes and you would have been down to a GDP that would’ve been negative. Wait until you see the coming quarters and how good it will be. And our companies are ready to soar. They are ready to soar. Wages, for the first time, are rising at the fastest pace in many, many years. 18, 19, 20 years. And I tell you. I always would always go around and say to you is strongly — people have jobs. They made more money 21 years ago than they do today and in some cases, they have two or three jobs. Terrible. African-American unemployment has reached the lowest level in history. In history. Hispanic unemployment — any Hispanics in the room? Not so many. That is ok. 

"And by the way, In all fairness, Kanye West gets it. He gets it. And he saw that. When he sees that African-American unemployment is the lowest in history, you know, people are watching. That is a very important thing he has done for his legacy. It's a very important thing. But Hispanic unemployment, lowest level in history. Women, female unemployment, lowest level in 18 years. And wages are going up for the first time in many, many years.


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