Grassley on If Comey Lied: ‘It Is Against the Law To Lie to Congress’

‘I don’t think Mueller is going to be fired’


PIRRO: "The American people are frustrated. My viewers are frustrated. Let’s talk about the fact that I believe you asked a direct question to Jim Comey in may of 2017. You said Director Comey, have you ever been an anonymous source to news reports about matters relating to the trump investigation or the Clinton investigation? Comey replied never. Then you say question two have you ever authorized someone else at the FBI to be an anonymous source in news reports about trump or Clinton investigation? Comey again said no. You had a reason for asking those questions. That would be a predicate for perjury, and you know it. The problem is that we now have an attorney general who has recused himself and you are continuing to push a bill to protect Mueller. All right. First question, do you believe Comey lied to you?"
GRASSLEY: "I think that there’s plenty of evidence there that that ought to be carried further because whether he was under oath but even if he wasn’t under oath, it is against the law to lie to Congress."

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