Trump: ‘There Is No Collusion with Russia Other Than By the Democrats’

‘This is a hoax’

REPORTER: "Thank you, Mr. President. On the Mueller probe, have you concluded that it’s not worth the political fallout to remove either special counsel Mueller ordered deputy attorney general Rosenstein? Prime minister Abe, did the president ask you to provide more funding for U.S. Troops in Japan? What agreement did you reach here in Florida on buying more military equipment from the U.S. U.S.?"
TRUMP: " Jennifer, I can say there was no collusion and that’s been so found, as you know, by the house intelligence committee. There is no collusion. There is no collusion with Russia other than by the Democrats. Or, as I call them, the obstructionists. They truly are obstructionist. We are giving tremendous amount of paper. This was really a hoax created largely by the Democrats as a way of softening the blow of a loss which is a loss that frankly they shouldn’t have had from the standpoint that it’s very easy for them to have a tremendous advantage in the electoral college. This is what it is. This is where it came from. You look at the kind of money that was paid, probably some went to Russia. You look at John Podesta having a company in Russia were nothing happened and people don’t talk about it. You look at the fact that their server, the DNC server was never gotten by the FBI. Why did the FBI — the FBI takes what they want. They go in. They wouldn’t get the server. This is a hoax."

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