Devin Nunes: Comey Was ‘Rightfully Fired’ as We See by the Behavior He’s Exhibiting

‘It’s going to be impossible for the investigators to investigate themselves’


MacCALLUM: "In terms of Rod Rosenstein, I’m just curious what your thoughts are. Reporting at the White House tonight is that the president is not going to fire him imminently. There’s too reports that he says he’s ready to be fired if that’s what’s coming his way. What do you think should happen to Rod Rosenstein?"
NUNES: "I like Rod Rosenstein and Christopher WRAY come of the new director of the FBI. They inherited a mess. They inherited a big mess. They inherited something that happened in the campaign where they use the counterintelligence capabilities of our country to target the Trump campaign. They came into this, you have Director Comey who was fired, rightfully fired were finding out now by the behavior that he’s exhibiting recently with his newfound book to her. I give them some credit and some leeway that they need to find their way. However, I think it is of the utmost importance that Mr. Rosenstein and director ray provide everything the Congress as soon as possible. That’s the best possible thing that they can do and I think I can set us on the path for their legislative branch of government, our branch can let us do our jobs to try to put this all together. Secondly, I would say, I think it’s going to be impossible for the investigators to investigate themselves. I’ve been saying this for many, many months. I don’t know that there has to be a special counsel, I know they have a couple of U.S. Attorneys looking at some of this, but at the end of the day, there will have to be some process put in place because there’s a lot of cleanup that has to be done."
MacCALLUM: "In terms of the news that also was breaking tonight with regards to Michael Cohen that warrants that was turned at his office, we know it was his safety deposit box, also some information that they got some reporting’s as a result of this. Rod Rosenstein had to sign off on that. Do you think that was a bridge too far for his jurisdiction?"
NUNES: "You’re asked me to do some major speculation which I’ll do, but I need to caviar at it. This is a major, major deal. I don’t think a lot of people understand how big this is to allow someone to be searched like that. I will only say this. Whatever they have on Mr. Cohen, it better be something really, really big. If it ends up being something minor like what we’ve seen so far, but not even related to Russia collusion, like we’ve seen with some of these indictments so far and the Mueller investigation, they’re saying it’s criminal, I don’t know what it possibly could be, but it’s a bad precedent to set, so it better be something big."

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